The Run

Brickwood's Field Gun

The competition simulates the drill which would have been undertaken to bring a naval field gun into action during the march to Ladysmith.

1st Advance, 1st Wheel Change

The limber is lifted, its wheels and drag ropes are shipped and it is run forward. The gun wheels are exchanged with the limber wheels. The gun is brought to the back of the limber and connected, then both are run forward.

2nd Advance, 1st Action

The gun is unhooked and the limber is run to the 70-yard line, where it is turned or spun to face the start; its wheels are removed, and it is dropped to the ground. The gun is run to the end of the track, turned and stopped. The gun is fired three times, each shell being run to the gun from the limber by the fastest man in the crew.

1st Retire, 2nd Wheel Change

The limber wheels are shipped, and it is run back and hooked to the gun. Both are then run towards the start, stopped and lifted together to exchange wheels. This is the heaviest lift of all, and life gets very difficult if the gear is dropped.

2nd Retire, 2nd Action

Gun and limber are run towards the start line, separated and stopped. The gun is fired three times as quickly as possible.

3rd Retire and Finish

The limber is run back and hooked to the gun, then every member of the crew strains to accelerate the gear over the finish line. This is not the best time to fall in front of the gear, because it is very heavy and cannot be stopped.


Time penalties are added to the running time for each contravention of the rules, which are published each year under the title "Royal Navy Field Gun Instructions (RNFGI)". There are 38 possible contraventions defined that carry a time penalty ranging from 1 to 6 seconds. These are applied as appropriate to each team upon completion of the drill by the event's Chief Judge. The track is 85 yards (78 m) long, which means a total run of 170 yards (160 m). Credits:Field Gun Wiki

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